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Education, Work, and Training
Project Leader, The HE Consulting Group
January 1995- February 1997
This is a description in your CV. Concisely describe the degree, job, award or experience listed. The now effective CVs give a clear snapshot of where you're coming from and where you're going in a way that's easy for readers to scan quickly.
Kezdő szintű Somatic Experiencing
képzésben részt vevő hallgató
2021 október-

Mi is ez? A Somatic Experiencing® egy úttörő, test-alapú megközelítés a trauma, sokk és egyéb stressz-zavar feloldására. A nemzetközileg elismert trauma kutató és pszichoterapeuta, Peter Levine életműve, mely ötvözi a stressz fiziológiai, pszichológiai, etológiai, biológiai, idegtudományi, valamint ősi gyógymódokból származó és orvosi biofizikai tanulmányainak eredményeit, 45 évnyi sikeres klinikai munkásságával. Az SE® módszer a túlterhelés esetén a testben rekedt - megfagyott traumatikus sokk (többlet energia) biztonságos oldását célozza, lehetővé téve mind a PTSD, mind pedig az érzelmi és kora gyermekkori traumák sebeinek természetes átalakulását és gyógyulását.
És én miért?
A Somatic Experiencing képzést azért kezdtem el, hogy az SE eszköztárral segíthessek a hozzám hasonlóknak, illetve mindazoknak, akik bizalommal megkeresnek: neurodivergensként sok évnyi munkám van a saját testi érzetek és érzések tanulásában, transzneműként pedig a diszfóriával való megküzdéssel - illetve annak kezelésével.
Senior Biostatistician, Simbec Orion
April 2021 - November 2021
Here I mostly worked on Phase 1 tests, in a very good team, I'm sorry I had to come and the way I did. I simply could not refuse the contract offer from my former company, that is my path, together with this blog and website. I really live free swimming. As I wrote in my resignation letter, it was the first workplace where I worked as an openly non-binary person, from day one, and I thank you very much for that.
Senior Biostatistician, Premier Research
May 2019 - April 2021
Here I will now describe what a leading biostatistician does. :)
This is what I did, and I do, in Phase I-III clinical trials.
• Primary contact to the sponsor and project team regarding the statistics used in the study.
• Writes the statistical section of study designs
• Performs number of sample elements and statistical power calculations
• Creates randomization lists, with which test subjects are randomly classified
• Reviews test plans, test data collection sheets (CRF), data management plans, data collection specifications, and documents related to tests
• Creates a statistical analysis plan
• CDISC programs standard SDTM (standard data tabulation model) and ADaM (analysis data model) data sets, tables, lists and graphs, which are included in the test report
• Performs quality control (QC) of data sets and tables, lists, graphs
• Creates a specification and interpretation document for data plates
• Reviews the clinical examination report and adds statistical interpretations and texts.
• Answers the questions of the licensing authority (FDA, EMA, national authorities), ethics committees
Professional speaker - SOTE EMK, NEVES project
June 2018 - September 2019
I helped in the analysis of unexpected events that occurred in health care institutions and were reported to the NEVES system (bedsores, falls, etc.). It was a task undertaken alongside work, as a civil servant, I hesitated, but in retrospect I would have been happy if I had had more time for it, maybe we could have gotten more out of it. In this way, reports and recommendations were born from it, perhaps it will lead us forward. I worked with the data in SAS in this project.

Webshop operator, entrepreneur
January 2017 - November 2020
The Hurcicucc webshop was opened in 2017, with super baby carriers, accessories, carrier cloths made using saraboks, scraps, things sewn by Hungarian craftsmen, mothers, and contemporary children's books courtesy of the Rainbow Book Society. The shop closed in November 2020, there is still stock, there is also a business, and since I am free to swim in any way, I plan to reopen the webshop here. Little by little.
Senior Statistical Programmer, ICON
March 2018 - May 2019
As an employee of ICON/DOCS, I worked on Novartis studies, in the area of Established medicines, mostly in phase II and III studies, I programmed CDISC standard data tables.

Hobby net radio presenter,
Rádió9 - the civil voice of the district
July 2019 -
I am one of the editors and presenters of Rádió9 in the 9th district, which was originally started as a project of the Ferencváros Community Foundation. Before, I had nothing to do with radio, but I can cut sounds quite well now, technology is always and everywhere my obsession anyway, not to mention gadgets. This is a great playground where the most interesting people can be heard. And the team is the best.

Volunteer, project member, then organizer,
Budapest Pride
2019 - 2021
Civility and activism are quite close to me, I consider the equal rights of the LGBTQ+ community - as well as everyone else's, of course - important, so wherever I can, I continue to help the work of Budapest Pride. It is likely that I will no longer be a project manager and organizer, but you will be able to find me among the volunteers. Pride is a well-organized team, I gained valuable experience during my work.

Founder, organizer
Night Watch, The Helpers Association
2018 - 2021
At one point, seeing how things were going, I thought that I would participate in politics (also) if it was a little different from how traditional parties are built. We planned to found a party under the name Night Watch, but after several years of trying, it didn't work out. It became more of an association, and then I joined an already existing party, Párbeszéd.

Activist, StadiOFF
2020 - 2021
I was an activist of the StadiOFF group from the beginning. (Anyway, I can be persuaded to take on all important civil matters.) We started a petition and campaigned to prevent the construction of the athletics stadium planned for the Danube bank. The stadium will be built, but we, the organizers, were also built from the cooperation. And on the StadiOFF facebook page, my meme-making vein could also find space. Special thanks for that.

Life is a group in nine
2019 -
There is a nice little 9th district public Facebook group, Life in the Nine, of which I am one of the moderators. Sometimes I just hashtag, other times I moderate. If you are interested in the affairs of the ninth district, come and join.

Babywearing Consultant,
BeliBuba, Hurcianyu and Back Dragon
2017 -
In 2017, I graduated from the BeliBuba babywearing school as a babywearing consultant. For a while, I also undertook home-based and online counseling, and held scarf courses. I've put this on hold for now, but I'm not saying I won't do it again. Finally an own photo!

Founder and member,
Mother Ship Mother Center
2015 - 2020
The Mothership! We created it so that moms/dads and children can find each other's company. On thematic programs: crochet circle, carrying circle, sopis club, or even free port. In addition to the organization, I also took programs, carriers or eco-circles a couple of times. The Mother Boat is still waiting for parents at the József Attila housing estate., look for them on Facebook or online, it's worth it.

I have to say, I was a true alchemist at Accelsiors. At first I had two jobs and job descriptions, I designed, built, programmed a clinical database, I did everything a clinical data manager does, from checking laboratory data to comparing the adverse event database to asking questions in the clinical database. And I did everything that a biostatistician and statistical programmer does at the same time. I already wrote about what this list includes above. I created a lot of company policies and managed a super small team. It was a very good place, but unfortunately I outgrew it. Also, I needed more freedom.
June 2010 - February 2018
Director, Department of Biostatistics and Medical Writing
Clinical Data Manager

Probability calculation, analysis, i.e. economic mathematics, optimal calculation, operations research. Statistics I and II. It. Did you also have favorite subjects at university/college? Right? Well, I taught these at a seminar. There were times when I came up with a task and numbers for it at the blackboard. It didn't always go well. If there was a question, I tried to answer it. In the end, I suffered, not because of the task, I love teaching. There were simply too many weekends with work - and panic attacks. I loved my students very much, and I look back on the "zsékáef" years with great fondness.
September 2006 - July 2012
Teaching assistant, Zsigmond Király College

You see, I always worked in 2-3 places at the same time. Minimum. But of course, if they call you from your previous workplace to help you out, go ahead, because the central investigation team is less proficient in Hungarian and in the field of data collection/statistics. Then you say at your main workplace that you were asked to do this, and you accept it and the investigation goes on.
July 2010 - October 2010
Consultant and trainer, AstraZeneca

AstraZeneca's data management team was also outsourced to Cognizant. That's how I got here. Then I soon became the test set-up team coordinator, so I was also out in Mumbai, spending two weeks in this fascinating city. Dapaglifosine and Plato study. I mostly worked on these projects. Along with others. I loved it.
July 2008 - June 2010
Data Analyst, Cognizant Technology Solutions

My first job. I started working here, in Törökbálint, full-time as a third-year university student. If there is no AstraZeneca and no super boss, I won't even be around clinical trials. However, I got into the company in a strange way. I will write it on the blog someday. It was good at AstraZeneca, especially walking around the lake together after lunch.
February 2008 - July 2008
Data controller, AstraZeneca

Certified international relations expert
EU major
applied statistics minor
Corvinus University of Budapest
2004 - 2010
Before and during the above, I completed an international studies major. In the meantime, I auditioned for faculty K, and I was the one who took all accounting as an elective. That says it all.